Editor’s Corner: September 11, 2001 – A Tribute

“To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Carol A. Schwab, Editor

The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, struck at individuals, families, and communities. As professionals who have dedicated our careers to helping people improve themselves, their families, and their communities, we are deeply saddened by these senseless acts of violence. On behalf of the Editorial Board of The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, I dedicate this issue to commemorate

All who perished in the terrorist attacks of September 11th

Your told and untold stories of courage and heroism have inspired a nation. We deeply mourn your loss, and as we entrust your souls to God, we etch your names in history. You will not be forgotten. To your families and loved ones, we express our profound sorrow. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

The survivors of the attacks

We celebrate your lives, and pray that those of you who were injured have a speedy and complete recovery.

The passengers of United Airlines Flight 93

We thank you for striking the first blow against our aggressors. Your courage and sacrifice ended a deadly flight in a Pennsylvanian field instead of its intended target, saving countless lives at the cost of your own. While your murderers faced certain death to destroy life, you faced certain death to preserve life. We salute you.

The rescue workers

In your valiant and unfaltering battle to find survivors, you faced multiple enemies of twisted steel, broken glass, shifting rubble, uncontrolled fires, and toxic air. Mindless of the risk to your own safety, you worked past exhaustion moving a mountain, one bucket at a time, in the hopes of saving one more life. Just as you cherished each life you hoped to pull from the rubble, know that we cherish yours. You have become the super heroes of America, and you have our heartfelt gratitude.

The rescue workers who perished

We give special tribute. You rushed toward danger while others fled and sacrificed your lives trying to save others. While we are diminished by your loss, we are strengthened by the memory of your courage, your spirit, and your dedication. Thank you.

* * * * * *

History will chronicle September 11, 2001, as a day that reflected both the worst of mankind and the best of America. The worst of mankind wanted to change America. They succeeded. Their horrific and senseless acts of violence made us stronger, more united, and more resolved. They reminded us of a heritage rich in sacrifice, heroism, and bravery. They reminded us of who we are and what we can be. They raised a sense of national pride unprecedented in my lifetime. They showed us, and the world, the best of America. And the best of America can move mountains.

The opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of FFCI‘s Editorial Board, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, or North Carolina State University.

Editor’s Note: Like most Americans, I grieve deeply for the victims and their families. As I see the beautiful faces of those who perished, as I hear the stories of their extraordinary heroism and courage, and as I watch thousands of families grieve for lost loved ones, I feel an incomparable rage building within me against the cruel and vicious cowards who perpetrated these unspeakable and inexcusable acts. I admit this only because I know that most Americans share this anger. If we are to remain strong, as individuals and as a nation, we must learn to channel this rage into constructive outlets. Donate blood, hug your children, fly the flag, volunteer, donate cash to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, or other relief funds, go to church, spend more time with your family, join the military, buy stocks, buy goods, support the U.S. government and economy, and work to make sure our country stays strong. There are many things we can do, but turning that rage towards fellow citizens is not one of them. All members of the Islamic faith are not responsible for the acts of a few terrorists, and people who take their rage out on innocent people have become terrorists themselves. Let us not become those whom we despise.


Carol A. Schwab, J.D., LL.M., Professor and Family Resource Management Specialist, Department of 4-H Youth Development and Family & Consumer Sciencess, NC State University. Ms. Schwab is an attorney and the founding editor of The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues.



Cite this article:

Schwab, Carol. 2001. Editor’s Corner: FFCI survey impacts legislation. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues 6(3).



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