Editor’s Corner

Carol A. Schwab, North Carolina State University

This issue marks the beginning of a new era for The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues (FFCI). In our third year of publication, we have invited nationally known experts to join our Editorial Board. We are proud to welcome these distinguished professionals to join in our efforts to deliver reliable, research-based information to our readers. You can learn more about our Editorial Board by clicking on their individual names on the title page. The list of names will continue to grow as we invite additional colleagues, so visit our Editorial Board again in upcoming issues.

As part of the Cooperative Extension Service, we are expected to “help individuals, families, and communities put research-based knowledge to work to help improve their lives.” As part of the academic community, we are expected to publish scholarly articles in our areas of expertise. FFCI is designed to meet both expectations. Our articles are written with the lay person in mind, as well as professionals in family and consumer education and related fields of study. As editor, I look for articles that people will want to read – articles that meet Extension’s mission of helping people put knowledge to work. Each manuscript considered for publication is reviewed by three professionals in the same or related field of study to ensure the highest scholastic standards.

As the founder of FFCI, I am gratified with its growth and success over the past two years. I receive e-mail messages from readers across the nation, as well as from around the world. I look forward to working with our national Editorial Board members to make FFCI the premier publication for family and consumer educators and clientele.

Send letters to the editor to: carol_schwab@ncsu.edu or mail to: Carol A. Schwab, FFCI, Editor, North Carolina State University, Campus Box 7605, Raleigh, North Carolina 27965-7605.




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