
Award Guiding Principles for Selection

Select from article categories: Programs, Applied Research and Critical Review, Feature

The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues (FFCI) focuses on advancing knowledge, strategies, and techniques for excellence in Youth, Family, and Community Sciences (YFCS) Extension at various levels of the Social Ecological Model that addresses important issues facing individuals, families, and communities. The Jacquelyn W. McClelland
Paper of the Year award was established in 2018 to recognize and promote scholarship, originality, and value in the areas of youth, family, and community sciences for articles published in FFCI.


The award is given for an exceptional paper published in FFCI in the previous calendar year.  The paper should represent a major contribution to a field related to YFCS Extension or use in a fieldrelated to YFCS Extension, such as:

  • Describes an innovative technique
  • Showcases an outstanding accomplishment or program
  • Adds depth or understanding to existing field
  • Describes and addresses a significant issue inthe field of YFCS
  • Provides information that is relevant and useful for any of the following audiences: Extension professionals, teachers and/or trainers, other educators and practitioners

Replication of the program, process, or technique should be doable within Extension and cannot require extraordinary resources. Publications not subject to the peer-review process, such as Editorials, Book Reviews, and related articles are excluded from consideration for this award. The award requires an exceptional paper and thus, in any given year, the award may not be granted.

Papers are recognized for their major contributions to the field through articles across four categories: Program, Applied Research, Critical Review, and Feature.

Each type is evaluated differently given unique components, as follows:

I. Criteria for a Program article include that it describes how it advances the well being or quality of life of citizens and is:

a. Replicable
b. Scalable

II. Criteria for a Feature article include:

a. Highlighting critical trends or issues with broad applicability across the nation
b. Bringing a deeper knowledge of the topic to the reader
c. Broadening the reader’s perspective on the topic
d. Demonstrating a comprehensive, analytical and well-synthesized coverage of the issue

III. Criteria for an Applied Research article include that it addresses critical issues in Extension and the approach:

a. Is transferrable to similar audiences
b. Is transferrable to similar situations
c. Is applicable across the nation

IV. Criteria for a Critical Review article include that it addresses crucial issues in Extension and the approach:

a. Demonstrates an outstanding comprehensive, analytical and well-synthesized coverage of the issue
b. Clearly identifies implications for the future of Extension
c. Is applicable across the nation

Selection Process

The best paper for the award is identified by the Executive Board (Editor-in-Chief, past Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors). Papers considered shall be published during the preceding 12 months. Each of the FFCI Associate Editors will nominate the best paper from among those they processed as Associate Editors.

Nature of Award

The first author of the best paper will receive the award. The award includes recognition in the journal and a stylistic plaque with the award name, date, and name of the recipient. All authors will receive recognition in the journal and electronic award certificates.

Timeline and Procedures

The award will be announced in the first FFCI issue of the year.