
Personal Finance Education: Preferred Delivery Methods and Program Topics

Barbara O’Neill, Jing Xiao, Barbara Bristow, Pataricial Brennan, and Claudia Kerbel


This paper describes a study of learner preferences for personal finance educational delivery methods and program topics. Responses were received from a sample of 520 New Jersey and New York MONEY 2000™ program participants who were asked to select three responses to the questions “How do you prefer to receive financial information?” and “What financial topics are you most interested in learning more about?” The most preferred program delivery method was newsletters, followed by classes/seminars, fact sheets, and one-on-one counseling. The most preferred program topic was best day-to-day financial practices, followed by reducing expenses/living on less income, general investing, and retirement planning. Chi-square tests were conducted between each of the delivery method and program topic variables and demographic characteristics of respondents and length of program enrollment. More than a dozen significant differences were found among audience types for preferred program content and delivery. For the full article, click here.

College-Age Women’s Perceptions of Dairy Foods

Carolyn A. Weiglein, Denise Brochette, and Susan E. Duncan


Focus groups were conducted with 28 young Caucasian women (ages 19-22 years) to gain insight into their thoughts and feelings toward dairy foods. Women were enrolled in state-funded universities in Virginia. Themes characterizing the group discussions were identified. Women knew that dairy foods were good sources of calcium and discussed calcium in relation to osteoporosis, which they thought was a disease affecting older women. Many used calcium supplements to help meet their calcium requirements. Most thought dairy foods were high in fat. Women said their mothers encouraged them to eat dairy foods throughout their lives. They discussed dairy foods they liked and disliked and indicated that sensory attributes, especially taste, were involved. For the full article, click here.

Share Yourself: Work-First Mentor Education Program

Robin Goff Roper and Kendra T. Davis


This article discusses the Work-First mentor education program in North Carolina and the steps for implementing it. For the full article, click here.

Simply Beautiful: Choosing an Uncluttered, Focused, Rich Life

Sam Quick, Robert Flashman, and Peter Hesseldenz


The excessive, frenzied quality of American life has left more and more people yearning for balance and simplicity. According to the Trends Research Institute of Rhinebeck, New York, simplification is a leading trend of our times. The Cooperative Extension Service in Kentucky responded by developing a program called “Simply Beautiful.” It seeks to teach people how to make the choices that allow them to align their financial lives with their values. The program gently guides people toward asking themselves if they are living the lives they want to live and if not, why not? For the full article, click here.

Perspectives: Census Can Help Improve the Lives of Children

Nolo Martinez and Kirsta Millar


Since the 1999 Census, nearly 70,000 children in North Carolina have been left out of counts to determine the distribution of federal funds to state and local governments for education, health care, child-care assistance, housing, and transportation. It is imperative that citizens fill out the Census 2000 forms in order to ensure an accurate count for the future. If the undercount rate for Census 2000 is as great as it was in 1990, North Carolina stands to lose at least $131 million in federal funding. For the full article, click here.

The Editor’s Corner: Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure for Extension Faculty: Are We Close to Getting It Right?

Carol A. Schwab, Editor FFCI


For the past twenty years, there has been a growing dissatisfaction with the way higher education rewards its faculty. While most universities give lip service to all three of their educational missions —- teaching, extension, and research —- most universities have rewarded primarily research activities. The university culture is on the brink of a major paradigm shift, with teaching and extension regaining the prestige they have historically held. The key to realizing this goal is to develop a single set of standards for judging scholarly performance, regardless of whether the activity is research, teaching, or extension. For the full editorial, click here.



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