
Caring for aging family members: implications and resources for family practitioners.

Robert Del Campo, Ph.D., is a Professor of Family and Child Science, Department of 4-H Youth Development and Family & Consumer Sciences, New Mexico State University, rdelcamp@nmsu.edu.
Diana Del Campo, Ph. D., is a Child Development and Family Life Specialist, New Mexico Cooperative Extension Service, New Mexico State University, ddelcamp@nmsu.edu .
Marcilla DeLeon, M.S., is a Graduate Student in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, New Mexico State University.


The caregiving role is often bestowed on an adult child by default and can be distressing to the family system. Precautions need to be taken to protect adult child caregivers from role overload as they become sandwiched between caring for an older parent and helping their own children launch into adulthood. This manuscript will describe some of the positive and negative aspects of caregiving. It will also offer suggestions and resources that Extension educators, family therapists, and family service providers can use to support adult child caregivers as well as to plan effective treatments, educational programs and services for this rapidly growing group. Click here for the full article.

Family and Consumer Sciences and schools: a perfect partnership for parent education.

Marilou M. Rochford, M.A., Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cape May County, New Jersey.


To effectively reach parents, Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) educators must develop strong working relationships with the schools in their respective communities. Forging these partnerships takes time, but the benefits produce notable results and significantly impact the lives of the parents and children in those communities. Click here for the full article.

A model food safety education program for North Carolina food service operators.

Alice L. Pettitt, Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Education, NC Cooperative Extension Service, Orange County Center, alice_pettitt@ncsu.edu.
Suzzette Goldmon, Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Education, NC Cooperative Extension Service, Durham County Center, suzzette_goldmon@ncsu.edu.


National figures report that one outbreak of food-borne illness can cost a food service operation approximately $75,000 in legal fees, medical claims, employees’ lost wages, discarded foods, bad publicity, and lost revenues. The Orange and Durham County centers of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service collaborated with their county health departments to offer food safety classes to food service managers and food service employees. These classes are designed to reduce the risk of food-borne illness and to improve the safety of the public’s food supply. Since 1997, seven 18-hour classes for food service managers have been offered, with 294 managers successfully completing the training, and 267 receiving certification. Five employee training programs have been conducted, reaching 172 participants. Click here for the full article.

Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?™ Transferring non-titled personal property.

Shirley L. Barber, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus and Project Team Member, University of Minnesota Extension Service, Ramsey County and Twin Cities Metro Cluster, barbe009@tc.umn.edu.


The issue of intergenerational transfer of personal property faces families of all socioeconomic levels, cultures, and geographic areas. Professional collaborators to this project informed development team members that few educational materials exist to help family members make informed decisions about transferring non-titled property. The educational materials, “Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?”™ were developed to fill that void. Click here for the full article.

Reviews: Who’s raising the kids these days?

Harriet Shaklee, Family Development Specialist, University of Idaho Cooperative Extension. Click here for the review.

Editor’s Corner: Posting advance directives online — are consumers ready for the virtual living will?

Carol A. Schwab, Editor of FFCI, Family Resource Management Specialist, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, NC State University. Click here for the editorial.



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