Abstracts Winter 2013

December 2013, Vol. 18, No. 3
ISSN 1540 5273

Personal Finance “Hot Topics”: A Comparison between Educators and Non-Educators

M. Fahzy Abdul-Rahman, New Mexico State University, Megan O’Neil, University of Maryland, Barbara O’Neill, Rutgers Cooperative Extension


To effectively plan for future financial education programs, the eXtension Financial Security for All (FSA) Community of Practice (CoP) conducted a survey (http://bit.ly/qG0IG5) of financial educators and the general public from November 2011 to April 2012 (n=721). The primary objective of the survey was to determine topics for the CoP to focus on for timely and relevant personal finance content. Important topics most frequently selected by respondents, in descending order, were planning for retirement, saving and investing, and managing debt and credit. Highest ranked topics of concern for youth audiences (18 years old and younger), in descending order, were related to financial decision-making, credit, and money management. For older adults (60 years old and older), the most popular topics of concern were related to wills and trusts, managing retirement income, and long-term care. Among survey respondents, personal finance educators and non-educators differed significantly in their opinions on important topics of interest.. Full Text

Dietary Adaptation among Latino Immigrants:  Impressions from Mothers of Adolescents

Mary Cluskey, Oregon State University, Rocío Petersen, University of the Incarnate Word, Siew Sun Wong, Oregon State University


Latino immigrants to the United States experience health deterioration post-immigration.   This qualitative study aimed to understand how new environments impact Latino immigrant families’ dietary behaviors and to discuss language use in nutrition education materials.   Ten Latino mothers of adolescents were interviewed and qualitative analysis revealed three themes: 1) lifestyle and attitude changes, 2) adapting dietary choices, and 3) preservation of native foods and culture.   Participants described post-immigration lifestyles with decreased levels of physical activity, exposure to new foods, and challenges to maintain their native foods and culture.   Children played a role in dietary transitioning and mothers strive to teach children to maintain their Spanish language.    Mothers discussed native health and weight-related beliefs and described having less exposure to nutrition education in their native countries.   Participants preferred receiving educational materials in both English and Spanish.  Future research should explore ways to support Latino immigrant families in maintaining healthy food traditions.  Full Text

An International Study of College Students’ Personal Financial Wellness Perceptions

Zeynep ÇopurHacettepe University, Carolyn Bird, North Carolina State University


This research is designed to explore personal financial wellness as a comparative study between American and Turkish college students. The Personal Financial Wellness Scale (PFW) scale (Prawitz et al. 2006) was used as a measure of financial wellness. Data (N = 1446) were collected from college students aged 18 and over via an online survey from North Carolina State University in North Carolina and Hacettepe University in Ankara. Preferred sources of personal finance information were first parents (71.7 percent) with Internet as second (59.2 percent) most relied upon. Means comparisons revealed significant differences in the financial wellness level by university and gender. Regression analysis showed that American students had significantly higher financial wellness scores than Turkish students. Significant differences were found in financial wellness between urban and rural childhood settings. Students living with friends in apartments/houses reported significantly lower levels of financial wellness than those who lived with parents. Age was negatively related to financial wellness. A new contribution to the literature is college students’ reliance on the Internet as the second-most preferred source of personal finance information. New and important also is the decreased level of a student’s perceived financial wellbeing when friends serve as sources for personal finance information. Full Text

Healthy, Happy Families Evaluation: Integrating Parent Education into Child Obesity Prevention with Low-Income Parents of Young Children

Lenna L. Ontai, University of California, Davis, Shannon Tierney Lipscomb, Oregon State University, Cascades, Stephanie L. Sitnick, University of Pittsburgh, Holly Bowers, University of California, Davis, Cathi Lamp, University of California


Healthy Happy Families (HHF) is a program designed to improve parenting skills and attitudes important to the development of healthy dietary behaviors. Materials are designed for use with low-income parents of children ages 2 to 5 years. The current study reports on an evaluation of the HHF mini-lessons, delivered as supplements within existing nutrition education classes (N=236). Classes were randomly assigned to intervention and comparison groups. Parents completed pre- and post-measures of general parenting practices and attitudes about child feeding. Results reveal positive effects of HHF on general parenting practices (consistency and follow-through) and attitudes about child feeding (introducing new foods, setting limits on food, and having family meals). Overall, the results indicate that low-income parents in nutrition education classes benefit from targeted lessons about general parenting styles that lay the foundation for children’s dietary behaviors. Full Text

Young Adult Access to Higher Education: A Multidisciplinary Extension Approach

Harriet Shaklee, University of Idaho, Boise, Katie Hoffman, University of Idaho, Kathee Tifft, University of Idaho


Young adults have a big task ahead as they lay the economic foundation for family life. Higher education is increasingly important for financial independence for young adults, but rising costs have put it out of the reach of many. Extension programs in the fields of Family and Consumer Sciences, youth development, and community development have research and outreach programs relevant to the challenges young adults encounter in providing the financial security required for family life. The present paper explores strategies for Family and Consumer Sciences professionals to work with youth development and community development colleagues to develop Extension programs to support families and communities as youth make their transition into adulthood. Full Text


The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind by Dr. Daniel Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson

Reviewed by Nichole Huff Full Text




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