Abstracts May 2014
May 2014, Vol. 19, No. 1
ISSN 1540 5273
Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning In Financial Literacy Education
Trent W. Maurer, Georgia Southern University
This project describes the implementation of Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning [POGIL] in a financial literacy-themed first-year orientation course and compares the learning gains from this method vs. traditional lecture. Students enrolled in four sections of the course received instruction either through lecture or POGIL. Results revealed that controlling for pre-existing mathematical literacy, students’ scores on daily quizzes, major assignments, and course examinations were not significantly different between the two methods. However, analysis of course evaluation scores revealed a strong student preference for traditional lecture. These findings are interpreted both within the context of prior research on POGIL in other disciplines and the only prior publication on POGIL in financial literacy education. Full Text
Competence in Consumer Credit Products: A Suggested Definition
Jacinthe Cloutier, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)
The credit product market has become increasingly complex and in it consumers face many choices when using credit. Therefore, consumers must become more competent to choose and use such products. But what exactly does competent mean? There are many definitions of competency in the field of consumption but none particularly target consumers and their use of credit. The purpose of this paper is therefore to present an exhaustive definition of competence in the usage of consumer credit products. Full Text
Siblings and the Health Benefits of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Christina Robinson, Central Connecticut State University
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a food assistance program designed to help pregnant (or postpartum) women, infants, and young children consume a nutritious diet. Benefits are distributed in the form of vouchers designed to provide participants access to the vitamins and minerals essential for their growth and development. However, food is often shared within a family and it is unclear whether the enrolled family member consumes the food(s) provided by WIC. Given the tight budget situation faced by the government and the high program administration costs, the effectiveness of the program has become an issue of considerable interest to policy makers. This paper provides an overview of the literature that examines how family dynamics impact the efficacy and efficiency of the WIC program. The available evidence suggests that there may be inefficiencies in the current system and that additional research examining family structure, benefit sharing, and health outcomes should be conducted. Full Text
Providing Money Management Education to Women through Extension – Women and Money: Unique Issues
Martie Gillen, University of Florida, Lynda Spence, UF/IFA Marion County Extension Service, Diann Douglas, UF/IFAS Madison County Extension Service, Brenda C. Williams, UF/IFAS Alachua County Extension Service
Changing roles of women have reshaped education and career aspirations, marriage patterns, childbearing, and in many cases, redefined the family. Uniquely positioned, Family and Consumer Sciences has responded to the changing roles and responsibilities of women in these uncertain economic times by developing a curriculum addressing unique money issues facing women today. This ten-hour curriculum provides women with information and encouragement about being financially successful. Establishing the unique issues, the multi-session curriculum builds on financial organization, money communication, goal setting, asset protection, estate planning, and concludes with retirement. The curriculum was field tested in 2012 and 2013. The curriculum is being revised based on educator and participant feedback and will be made available electronically to Extension educators at no cost. Full Text
Small Steps to Health and WealthTM for Older Adults
Martie Gillen, University of Florida
The Small Steps to Health and WealthTM for Older Adults curriculum is the older-adults component to the Small Steps to Health and Wealth TM (SSHW) program developed by Rutgers University. The older-adults component of the SSHW program, developed by the University of Florida, is designed motivate older adults to improve their lives through behavior change strategies (small steps) for both health and financial management. Intended outcomes include using strategies from the lessons to change health-related behaviors and personal finance behaviors. Seven lessons of the Small Steps to Health and WealthTM for Older Adults curriculum have been peer reviewed. Program materials are available on the internal SSHW web site for Extension educators. The lessons are being field-tested and will be revised based on educator and consumer feedback. Full Text
Managing In Tough Times: Building a MONEYWI$E program
Jennifer L. Hunter, Jeanne R. Davis, University of Kentucky
The University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment’s Managing in Tough Times initiative and MONEYWI$E program are committed to helping individuals, families, and communities improve their financial standing by applying research-based knowledge to locally identified critical issues, thereby creating financial education learning opportunities. This initiative carries out the mission through Cooperative Extension outreach, research, and community service. This paper highlights the process of establishing the initiative, the educational products used and developed by the initiative, and the program impacts. Full Text
Small Steps to Health and Wealth™: Program Update and Research Insights
Barbara O’Neill, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Karen Ensle, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Union County
2014 marks the tenth anniversary of Cooperative Extension’s Small Steps to Health and Wealth™ (SSHW) program, which is being delivered in more than a dozen states. SSHW encourages people to make positive behavior changes that simultaneously improve their health and personal finances and focuses on small daily action steps that can achieve significant results over time. This article offers an overview of health and financial issues affecting Americans (e.g., being overweight or overextended on credit card accounts) and a description of studies about relationships between health and personal finances conducted within the past decade. The article concludes with a discription of new SSHW program components available to Extension educators to teach recommended health and financial practices in an interdisciplinary manner. Full Text
Cooperatives in Your Community: A Curriculum for Young Adults
Barbara O’Neill, Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Cooperatives are an important component of the U.S. economy, thereby providing products and services to consumers and agribusinesses as well as jobs for their employees. Yet, cooperatives are not well understood by many people, even those who belong to them. A cooperative (a.k.a., co-op) is a business or organization owned and operated by its members. Approximately one in three Americans has a co-op affiliation of some type. Members become part of a co-op by purchasing a required amount of shares (e.g., $25 to open a credit union share account). Cooperatives in Your Community, a curriculum about cooperatives, was developed for high school students taking business, economics, and personal finance courses. It contains two lessons on Consumer Cooperatives and Agricultural Cooperatives. Each lesson includes features such as key concepts, links to content standards, teacher procedures, PowerPoint slides, and learning activities. The curriculum was peer reviewed by eight evaluators in the fall of 2013 and was being field-tested in winter/spring 2014 by ten teachers across the United States. Revisions will be made based on feedback, and the Cooperatives in Your Community curriculum will be available online in fall 2014 for free distribution to educators worldwide. Full Text