Abstracts March 2015

March 2015, Vol. 19, No. 3
ISSN 1540 5273

A Classroom Intervention Improves College Students’ Perceptions and Use of Canned Vegetables

Lora Beth Brown, Colby B. Crabtree, Adam B. Lee, Dennis L. Eggett, Brigham Young University


This intervention in a college nutrition course included tasting three recipes made with canned vegetables, accompanied by brief instruction about the advantages of canned vegetables. The design was a pretest-posttest quasi-experiment with a nonequivalent control group. We collected data from intervention and control groups through an on-line survey one week before intervention students tasted the first sample and one week after they tasted the third sample. Compared to controls, students who tasted all three samples improved significantly in their perceptions of canned vegetables overall, canned vegetables’ nutrient contributions, and canned vegetables’ contribution to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. They also increased their use of canned vegetables in the previous three days. Interventions that combine food tasting with information about the foods have the potential to improve perceptions about and use of those foods.  Full Text

Is Place the Magic Bullet? Factors Related to Diet Quality and Cost in Low-income Women

Lucia Kaiser, Marilyn Townsend, University of California-Davis, Cathi Lamp, University of California-Tulare County, Anna Martin, University of California-San Joaquin County, Dorothy Smith, University of California-Central Sierra, Grant Aaron, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition-Geneva, Nancy Keim, Western Human Nutrition Research Center-Davis


A cross-sectional study was conducted examining factors associated with diet quality and cost among low-income California women. The researchers interviewed a convenience sample (n=117 adults) about their food shopping behaviors, food security, dietary intake, and food expenses. Based on three 24-hour diet recalls and food receipts, diet quality and cost were calculated. Groups with higher diet quality were more likely to have completed high school (p <0.03) and less likely to be Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients (p <0.0001). Greater access to stores with healthy foods and other neighborhood-level factors were not associated with diet quality or cost. Women with high quality diets were more likely to use the Nutrition Facts label (p<0.02) and place more value on choosing nutritious foods (p<0.001).  Even where limited neighborhood access was not a factor, differences in diet quality and cost were still observed. Full Text

Relationship Help-seeking in a Community Sample: Testing Differences by Geography and Gender

J. Wade Stewart, Kay Bradford, Brian J. Higginbotham, Linda Skogrand, Mark Jackson, Utah State University


As Extension faculty members engage in couple relationship education, they may benefit from a clearer understanding of patterns of relationship help-seeking, and the extent to which these patterns vary among geographical settings. In a study conducted in fifteen counties across a western state, we examined ten relationship help-seeking behaviors of 1,986 relationship education participants. We examined differences in help-seeking between women and men and across county type (i.e., rural, micropolitan, and metropolitan) and found that help-seeking behaviors differed somewhat across county types. Compared to men, women reported higher levels of help-seeking especially in micropolitan and metropolitan counties. Insights are discussed. Full Text

Obesity Risk for Young Children: Development and Initial Validation of an Assessment Tool for Participants of Federal Nutrition Programs

Marilyn S. Townsend, Lenna Ontai, Larissa Leavens, Christine Davidson, University of California at Davis, Mical Shilts, California State University at Sacramento, Stephanie Sitnick, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh


This paper describes the development of a parent-report obesity risk assessment tool for young children and the efforts to establish the tool’s face validity with parents of low socioeconomic status who are participants of four federal nutrition assistance programs. Cognitive interviews (n=77) with ethnically diverse low-income parents provided contextually rich qualitative data for instrument development, including how respondents interpreted text and photographs and their recommendations for changes to improve understanding, consistency of interpretation, and appeal by limited literacy readers. Respondents modified text for all questions, revised content for most photographs, identified unnecessary text for elimination and suggested visual content to replace text resulting in a new version with first-grade readability and a low respondent burden of ten to fifteen minutes for completion. Interview results provided support for the face validity of the tool, now called Healthy Kids, with low-income respondents. Full Text

Violence along the U.S.-Mexico Border: What Family and Consumer Science Educators Need to Know

Merranda Romero Marin, New Mexico State University, Melinda Haley, Walden University


Correlations between pathological issues including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress have been found in youth exposed to violence. Most examinations related to violence exposure have focused on inner city and urban youth. Yet, persistent and escalating violence along the U.S.-Mexico border calls for special attention to the ways in which the violence is impacting youth residing in the border region, as well as those working with those youth. This paper highlights the unique characteristics of the border population and offers guidelines to family and consumer science educators working with youth affected by the violence in Mexico. Full Text

The Promise of Enhancing Parenting Education and Reaching High-Risk Adults and Parents through Integrative Programming, Mindfulness, and Strategic Partnerships

Jennifer Crawford, Washington State University Extension


Parenting education is recognized as a valuable means to prevent and reverse unfavorable social conditions. However, many barriers challenge the strategic, optimal recruitment and retention of parents into appropriate parenting education program options. The current economic climate facing Extension, other professionals, and families calls for new collaborative strategies to meet parenting education needs. One program intervention developed by Washington State University Extension faculty in a semi-rural central region of Washington state demonstrates how a program integrating mindfulness, yoga, and parenting education is yielding positive results by improving the internal resilience or well-being in adults and parents. The article highlights synergies created by intentional integration with a substance abuse treatment agency to maximize access to parents while addressing co-occurring factors. The article provides tips for FCS and partner organizations considering adopting a similar program and strategy. Full Text

Focused Financial Education for Young High-School Educators

Martin C. Seay, Lloyd Zimmerman, Elizabeth Kiss, Kansas State University


This pilot program engaged young high school teachers in a targeted financial education program. Novice teachers are faced with a growing dilemma: following their passion in education or yielding to financial pressures and finding alternate employment that pays more. The purpose of this program was to better understand how novice agricultural educators view their financial decisions, how these decisions affect their financial well-being, and, based on insights gained from a pre-survey, provide targeted financial education and counseling to better equip them to face their financial challenges. This report provides an overview of the program, its impact on participants as measured by pre- and post-surveys, and potential future steps for Cooperative Extension professionals working with these young educators. Feedback from participants suggests that personal financial planning education is a vital ingredient in the retention of young educators. Full Text



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